
Showing posts from February, 2013

Creative Differences

There they were writer and characters meeting for the first time without a mediator. Dobby was in the middle of the floor slightly...flattened. The dragon made it to Mom and the cookies first. The three children and their aunt quietly followed being sure to step over Dobby when they entered the room. Mom was so surprised by the view in front of her she nearly dropped the pan of hot cookies on the floor. Slowly closing the oven door, she gazed down at the eager visitor. Furnatche looked up at Mom with his large eyes, begging her to share a cookie. Turning around to pick up the spatula from the kitchen counter, she deftly flipped a hot cookie on the kitchen floor in front of the baby dragon. Mesmerized by what she is seeing, she leans over to watch Furnatche closely as he eats. “Careful, it's hot.” Mom instructs nearly forgetting the cookie sheet and the hot pad in her hand. “Amazing. You look so – real .” Mom says. “ That's because he is.” Peter step

When The Dragon Smells A Cookie...

“What are you doing in the kitchen tonight Mom?” Dobby asks walking into the room. “Celebrating Valentine's Day.” “Mom? This is Saturday, Thursday was Valentine's Day. You missed it.” Dobby points out, while Mom is taking bowls, measuring cups and other baking supplies out of the kitchen cabinets. “Dobby you are so silly sometimes. I didn't miss Valentine's Day, I was not feeling good so I delayed my celebration. I promised myself a batch of my favorite triple chocolate cookies. I am baking them now.” The dragon. She is going to wake the dragon...I haven't told her about the dragon yet. As soon as Furnatche smells a cookie it's over. Dobby thinks for a minute. “Are you sure you want to do this tonight Mom? It is Saturday night and there is still the blog to write. You have been so sick lately. You wouldn't want to have a re-lapse.” Mom stops taking out supplies and looks down at Dobby. “Baking cookies? Baking coo

Mom's Meltdown

“Mom what are you doing in the kitchen? It's time to write.” Dobby says entering the kitchen. “I'd like to, but once upon a time my cat made a deal a with mercenary selling his mother into a life of baked good, excuse me, cupcake servitude.” “Come on, Mom. It's not that bad.” Mom glares down at the cat. “At first it was not too bad. Tinkletoes gladly accepted whatever I felt like baking. He still takes cakes, pies and cookies without a word. But the cupcakes...” “Tinkletoes really has an intense love for your cupcakes.” Dobby offers gently. “If you love something, aren't you happy just to have it? Did you see the note he left?” “I saw it.” “Did you read it?” “ I lost my patience with TP last week because he was cheating at our game of eyeball soccer, so TP took my ability to read away. I would have to say “no” .” “ Let me read some of it to you. I would like 24 cupcakes this week: regular size

The Fowlest of Experiences

“I'm the pussy cat . That doesn't make me a wimp Mom. I don't know what all the fuss is about anyway. It's a chicken. A CHICKEN. ” “ Last week that is what I was saying. I learned my lesson. Do you remember that movie True Grit ?” “Yes.” Dobby answers. “There is a reason the baddest hombre was called “Rooster”.”   “Sorry Mom. I'm not buying it.” Dobby declares. “Let me tell you what happened and we'll see how you feel about it. Your Aunt Bridget lives next door to someone who had two roosters. The neighbor lets them run free. The roosters have decided that Aunt Bridget's yard is part of their um...hood. If you come into their territory they attack. The other day, Aunt Bridget told me one of the roosters was gone. It had gotten killed. I thought one of them being gone was a good thing, the other rooster would be a little bit less “cocky” now. Grandma and Aunt Bridget told me the surviving rooster had actually gotte