
Showing posts from June, 2017

When A Pirate Comes To Faerie

Pirate looks at Writer Lady expectantly. “You were serious?” She asks. “When it comes to an exchange of goods I am always serious.” Writer Lady thinks for a bit. She hands first one kitten to Pirate and then the other. “Here. Hold these.” She says. Writer Lady begins searching her person for something that a pirate might find of value. She mutters as she searches. He makes a face and gently places them on the ground next to Dobby. As she searches, he checks on the source of the bright light. He returns to Writer Lady and attempts to move things along. Pirate leans forward and whispers, “A bit of gold, silver, a gem or two. Anything her ladyship might have on hand.” Writer Lady checks her wrists, her hands for rings. Her ears. She’s not wearing earrings. Did she tuck a few bills into her bra before leaving home? He may not value paper money, although, he has little reason not to. On the other hand, it doesn’t hurt to check. Writer Lady pulls h

Enter The Pirate

Tinkletoes shakes his head. The faerie pushes against Tinkletoes’ hand. “Thank you.” Writer Lady says, looking at Monitor Man. “You’re welcome. I hate that I couldn’t fix it for you.” Monitor Man answers. Tinkletoes’ mouth drops open. “She’s thanking him? She got tricked into coming to Faerie, had to save him, she had to trek through a rainforest because of him, she’s hungry, and tired. He delivers more bad news and gets a “thank you?” The self-proclaimed mercenary looks at Dobby. The ginger tabby shrugs. “This must be stopped.” He looks at TP, cups each hand around the faerie, and tucks him into his coat pocket. Tinkletoes looks into the darkness and says, “Stay there.” He crosses the road and stops where Monitor Man, Smudge Mal, Spots Wash, and Writer Lady have gathered. “I have a question.” Tinkletoes says. “When does Monitor Man get it?” “What?” “When are you going to get angry, scream, and yell? When are you gonna kick his butt?” “I’m not.” Wr