
Showing posts from July, 2023

The Tap...Tap...Tapping On Writer Lady's Door

Writer Lady is just sitting down in the Big Writing Chair when she hears a distant knock and the inevitable call, “Door!” coming from the far side of the house. A long suffering sigh escapes as she rushes to answer. She finds the dance team from the local high school standing on the other side. “Hi.” One girl smiles. “Is Bubba home?” A second girl asks. Writer Lady thinks calming thoughts before she responds. “No girls, I’m sorry but he’s not here at the moment. He’s out of town for a few days.” “We wanted to invite him to join our dance club.” Another girl says. “We all had such fun at the parade last weekend. We have some great ideas for the next home game.” “Doesn’t Bubba have to attend high school to be part of the dance group?” “Technically yes but we can have guest performers that aren't students.” “We checked with our advisor and the principal. They're both really excited about Bubba joining us for a song.” The first girl adds.