
Showing posts from May, 2017

Unicorns and Rainbows

Carp and Black Buck Antelope look up. Monitor Man and the two kittens sit quietly on two separate branches of a large tree. “Who’s we?” Carp asks. “Writer Lady, Tinkletoes, both these kittens, and me.” Monitor Man says. “Everyone is ready to go.” Carp hears a snort and a sound that reminds him of a hoof pawing the ground. “What was that?” Monitor Man asks. “You could hear that? From up there?” Carp asks. “Yeah. There’s some kind of weird echo.” There is the sound of more pawing and Carp hears a snort and feels a rush of air against the back of his neck. Both unicorns appear simultaneously. One is standing behind Carp’s left shoulder and the other his right.  He slowly moves out of stabbing distance “Unicorns!” Smudge Mal calls. “Cool!” Spots Wash exclaims. Monitor Man whistles for a bubble. One swoops across the meadow and into the entrance of the rainforest. It stops next to Monitor Man’s branch. He ste

Communicating Openly (Well...Sort Of)

“Are you sure about that?” Monitor Man asks. “Doesn’t she work?” Both kittens look at Monitor Man with blank expressions. “Does she dress up and go out all day long?” “She puts on clothes that she doesn’t want us to sit on her lap too much when she’s wearing them.” Smudge Mal says. “She puts stringy, brown things on her legs then yells at us when we chase them.” Spots Wash shares. “She makes a serious face when she leaves and the serious face is gone when she comes home.” Smudge Mal says. “That sounds like going to work.” Monitor Man says. “That’s how humans pay their light bill.” “How does spending all day away from home pay the light bill?” Spots Wash asks. “Humans go to a place every day and do something that is previously agreed upon. In return, they get money. Humans use the money to pay the light bill, buy food, cat litter.” Monitor Man explains. “Toy mice?” Spots Wash asks. “Is that how she gets toy mice?” “Yes. That’s how she gets toy mice