
Showing posts from June, 2015

Making Progress

Bugsy jumps up and down within the confines of Diomedes' cavernous mouth. “Your fae-rie near-ly killed me. What are you go-ing to do a-bout it?” Diomedes says slowly. “What was that?” House asks. “Bugsy thinks that you might have hearing or comprehension difficulties. He asked me to speak slowly.” Diomedes answers. “Excuse me?” House exclaims. “Did you hear that darling? Did you hear what the dragon said to me?” Mural Man swallows nervously. Tinkletoes laughs quietly. “House is getting offended because the little bug thinks she's not too bright.” He says to Dobby grinning, “It's okay to laugh Dobby, it's pretty funny.” “Actually sir, he was referring to the entire group.” Diomedes explains. “If we're so stupid then why has he been waiting for us to save him?” Tinkletoes asks. “Because the dragon can't be cured and the mess can't be cleaned up without magic, doofus .” Diomedes answers. “Them's fighting words you li

A Writer With No Post

                                                    A writer without a post. She can't help the characters that need her the most. She will not give up. She refuses to despair! What will she do tomorrow if she wakes up without any hair? The story has not ended. Neither will her struggle. She looks up from her writing and says, “Pour me another bartender, and this time make it a double.” Dobby turns and faces Writer Lady holding up a bottle, he turns his paw down to pour. With one smooth, fluid movement a single drop of milk plops into her glass. Writer Lady looks up from her pad of paper “What's happened? Only another shot is going to save my a**.” The bartender gestures with a nod to a table at the back of the ice cream shoppe. There in the darkest corner two kittens are drinking like sots. The pair raise their heads from their milk bowls slowly, tongues sticking out, eyes drooping. “In a magical ice cream shoppe?" Writer

Getting Down And Dirty With A Stomach Bug

                                                        “Thanks?”  Mural Man responds as Tinkletoes leaves him standing in the corner wondering how to make such a request from a sick and potentially dangerous dragon.  “He's a reasonable...dragon.  I'll just ask.” Mural Man mutters returning to Diomedes, Dobby, and Tinkletoes.  “So, um...Diomedes.  I ...we would like to help you.  We don't know what to do.  We...” Tinkletoes coughs. “ I was wondering if we could talk to Bugsy.”  He says finishing the request. “A splendid idea sir.”  Diomedes agrees. “So will you call him?”  Mural Man asks. “I can try. I do not know if he will answer.   Considering the state of things...” “Bugsy may not be alive.”   Tinkletoes offers.   “Or at least not living inside you.” “He may have died at the hand of whatever attacked your digestive system.”  Mural Man suggests. “He may have simply been expelled.”  Diomedes says. “Bugsy could be anywhere.  In

When Examining A Dragon...

“I would prefer not to.” Diomedes says. Tinkletoes looks squarely at Diomedes.   “Dragon, we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way.” “Isn't the dragon bigger than you are?”  House asks. “I'll still win.”   Tinkletoes says. “Doesn't the dragon breathe fire?”   House continues. “Sometimes.” “Doesn't he have magical powers?” “Yeah.  I'm still going to win.” “How?”  House asks. “I'm more determined than he is.  Never underestimate a man on a mission.” Tinkletoes responds.   “Besides, there's the whole "diarrhea wearing him out thing" so that he has nothing inside left to breathe fire with.   It's possible he has too little energy to forge magic too.” “So it's more the whole “parasite sucking his energy up” thing that gives you the advantage?” Mural Man asks. “Um...yeah.” “You're okay with that?” Tinkletoes looks at Mural Man.  “This is a fire breathing dragon with the ability