
Showing posts from February, 2014

99 Posts of this Blog On The Wall

“He has his own baby dragon to play with.” Writer Lady repeats, looking at Tinkletoes and TP. “Dylan's right. How many cats are not only named after a character in a book but have a character in a book patterned after them?” “Yes, Writer Lady, that could work.” TP agrees rubbing his chin. “I don't like it. It's too soft .” Tinkletoes says. “You don't like anything that isn't your idea do you?” Writer Lady asks. Tinkletoes starts to argue, stops and thinks. He opens his mouth to speak, gets a confused look on his face and shuts it again. “I'm going to come up with something for next week. When I do you'll be the one standing here, looking foolish,” he stalks out of the house slamming the door. The next day, Writer Lady is sitting at the computer in High Command when Dobby enters the room. “So um...Mom? I've been thinking.” Dobby says. “Yes kitty.” “With next week being the 100 th post and everything. I was wo

Well Hello Dobby

“Do you mind if we get back to what's important now?” Dobby asks. Everyone looks at Dobby. “ME!” Tinkletoes and Writer Lady look back at each other, then look back at Dobby. “Of course.” “Don't worry about the Action Hero thing not working I've got tons of ideas.” This time another throat clears. TP is floating next to Tinkletoes wearing his director's clothes, complete with expensive sunglasses and a bullhorn. Setting the bullhorn down on a table, TP flies over to Dobby and floats back and forth in front of his new “star.” “No. No. NO...” TP says shaking his finger. The faerie paces back and forth in front of the leather clad ginger tabby. “This is not right at all. This is what happens when you have no respect for the art that is film making. Dobby was endorsed by the Gem of the Con. That is class. Felines are clean, cunning and chic. We have to show the world this amazing example of impeccable feline style. We need...Arman

Shots Were Fired

Tinkletoes, TP and Dobby sneak in the back door and hide in the utility closet. There is knocking at the door. Writer Lady opens it to find the police. “Yes.” “Hello Ma'am. My name is Officer Silverfish and this is Officer Smelt. We have had some complaints this evening about shots being fired from this address.” “Really?” Writer Lady asks. “That's odd.” “Do you live here?” Officer Smelt asks. “Yes I do.” “Is there anyone else living here at this residence?” Officer Silverfish asks. “No it's just me. Me and my cat.” “Husband? Children?” Officer Smelt asks. “No just me and my cat.” “Do you have some identification?” Officer Smelt asks. “Yes. I'll go get my wallet. Wait right here.” Writer Lady says leaving the room. She returns with her wallet and shows them her driver's license. Officer Silverfish checks it. “Is your firearm licensed? Do you have your gun card with you?” Officer Smelt asks. “I don't

Action Hero Blues

Dobby Cat morphs, transforms and changes in front of Writer Lady's and Tinkletoes' eyes. TP's magic is something amazing. Dobby goes from a typical ginger tabby to a powerfully built Action Hero. He struts past the back of the Big Writing Chair to the center of High Command and strikes a masculine pose for Writer Lady. He appears robust and virile to all who gaze upon him. “Well that was easy.” Tinkletoes says, patting Dobby on the back. “You have great genes kitty. Good job.” Dobby lets out a breath! The snap on his leather pants flies off and goes right through the window. The pants are relieved of their burden and Dobby's belly spills out over the top of the leather. Our hero pulls up his pants and retreats to the bathroom. He might be blushing but he is orange so it's hard to tell. Writer Lady tries to stifle her laughter. “I told you he was in no shape for this.” “It's fine. We just have to modify the cos