
Showing posts from March, 2013

Happy Easter Dobby!

“Happy Easter Dobby!” Dobby looks up from his nap. “Easter?” Great how do I explain Easter to a cat? “Dobby, do you remember Christmas?” Mom asks. “ A baby was born, so it's a birthday celebration with presents that is officiated by a jolly bearded man.” “ Not the most accurate description, but for your kitty brain, it's good enough.” Mom says. “For you a good description for Easter would be it's is end of life for that same baby after he had grown into a man. Instead of a jolly bearded man and presents there is a giant happy bunny with lots of chocolate.” “ Seriously?” Dobby asks, eyes big. “ Like I said not completely accurate but that gives you a rough idea of what to think about when I say Happy Easter.” “ So you get to eat chocolate today?” Dobby asks. “ I get to eat chocolate all day long if I want to.” Mom answers. “ I like it when you eat chocolate, it makes you happy.” Dobby says. “ I know. I could use some after the day

Random Musings on a Wednesday Morning (No Dobby Here)

I spent last night on the phone with my mom, then my sister and visited with a friend on the Internet as well. There were the typical “Hello”, “ How are you?” and infamous “What's going on in your life?” I call it infamous because if I say “Nothing” which in my mind means things are typical and there is nothing share worthy going on. Sometimes it's something you just don't share with your family. Okay mostly nothing big is going on. It sounds like you don't have a life. I do. Nothing worth broadcasting.    On the other hand if you share every little challenge or thought pondered people usually wonder if you are crazy or spending too much time alone.   For example, I have a t-shirt I frequently wear to work (about once a week) it used to be white. The shirt is about five years old. I ran it through with the whites over the weekend but it's still grayish. I tried to wear it this morning. I can't get past the grayness. It

General Tampon Takes Over

Tinkletoes looks at Mom. Sitting up, he slowly scoots himself across the floor putting his back against the open door and the wall. “Isn't sitting that way uncomfortable?” Tinkletoes looks at Mom questioningly. “Half of your back is against the door, the other half is against the wall and the corner of the door's edge pressing against your spine.” “No. I'm starting to feel better now.” “There is a little more color to your face. You were so pale before, I thought you were going to pass out. Do you need another ice pack for your um...” Mom asks gesturing in the general direction of Tinkletoes' crotch. “No this one is still working.” Tinkletoes answers putting the bag of frozen peas closer to his body and tightening his grip on the bag not willing to lose his new best friend so soon. Dobby returns to the computer room standing tall and walking on his hind legs. He is wearing an army helmet and a small trumpet around his neck. He walks p

I Saw A Bug -- Bonus Post

Dobby enters computer room (A.K.A. High Command). He is walking slowly and with purpose. The gas mask he is wearing is military grade circa World War II and is very heavy. Dobby stops next to the table Mom is sitting at and through short heavy breaths says, “Is it okay to come out now?” “Yes of course it is kitty why wouldn't it be? You sound a little bit funny are you okay?” Mom turns from the monitor to glance over at her ginger tabby. “Dobby! Take that gas mask off. It didn't smell that bad.” “ kinda did.” “ You're exaggerating.” “ If you get mad at me again just say so, don't try to kill me slowly next time okay? I didn't get any sleep today until I found this old gas mask. I think Tinkletoes left it last week.” “ I wasn't doing that to hurt you Dobby. That strong odor was bug spray. I saw that huge poisonous bug last night in the living room. Bugs do not live in this house, they belong outside. When they come inside t

Tinkletoes Takes Command

“So Dobby what should we talk about tonight?” Mom asks. Silence. “Dobby, kitty?” “No blog tonight Mom.” Dobby says entering the computer room. “What? What do you mean 'No Blog'? We have been writing these posts for almost a year now.” “Not tonight.” Dobby says. Mom looks at Dobby in confusion. “Oh kitty...are you sick? Does Mama's baby have a hairball?” Dobby turns his head to talk to Tinkletoes. The cat looks up. Way up. “She doesn't understand. She is already in writer's mode. We have to wake her up. Pull her back into reality.” “I've got this.” Tinkletoes enters the room dropping a large bag on the floor and stands next to Dobby. He is completely decked out in fatigues and is wearing more weapons than a zombie hunter. Bending at the waist, Tinkletoes puts each hand on an armrest of Mom's Big Writing Chair turning it away from the monitor and facing him. Tinkletoes leans in and says, “Now ma'am, I need to y

Some Decisions Are Tougher Than Others

Dobby walks through the empty sewing room, makes a pit stop at his litter box, continuing through the darkened kitchen and into the living room. The ginger tabby sees nothing but he hears Mom's voice in a far corner. It is muffled and slightly stressed. “Mom, mo-o-o-om!” Dobby calls out continuing cautiously through the room ready pull Mom out of whatever hole she has found herself in. “Over here kitty.” Mom calls. Her voice sounds like she is right in front of him. All he sees is a whole lot of books. “It's okay Dobby. I'm right here.” A hand finds its way out from under the book pile. Dobby approaches the hand cautiously, takes a sniff and recognizing the hand as belonging to Mom rubs his face against it. Mom scratches his chin for him then Dobby's ear when it comes within reach. Dobby quickly finds himself contemplating a nap, his own purrs of contentment starting to lull him to sleep. “What do you need kitty?” “ '

Taking Steps

“Yes Paige what steps?” Aunt Purdy asks. Aunt Purdy looked at her niece and nephews with her “Don't Mess With Me” face. Three pair of eyes widened. Peter leans in close to his twin sister. “Okay Paige what steps? Hurry up...” Paige opens her notebook searching for a reference to show her brother. “The Rights and Responsibilities of the Creative Author” doesn't say anything about what kinds of steps. Just that the characters can take steps. Aunt Purdy shot down all of my ideas.” Paige whispers. Dylan standing next to his brother and sister searches the room closely looking the for steps—any steps. “There. They are steps.” Dylan says running over to the steps that lead into the laundry room. Peter and Paige look up to see their little brother pointing to the steps. “Those steps are part of the house, we have no way to remove them.” Paige says. “Nice try Dylan.” Peter says keeping the small boy's spirits up. Dylan continues hi