
Showing posts from March, 2017


“There are two unicorns traveling with you?” Carp asks. “Yes. We call them Leitis and Aingealag. They came to us shortly after we arrived in Faerie. Being unicorns they come and go as needed but the pair have been with us for many years.” The young man says. He scratches Aingealag under the chin and she nickers in contentment. “Sister?” Carp asks. “Yes. She and Leitis appeared to us when we first arrived. They have been with us ever since.” “Have you been here long?” Black Buck asks. “We have been here for several years.” The young man says, offering his hand. “Romani Novak.” “Carp Fischer.” “I hope you don’t mind my inquiry, how did you get here?” Black Buck asks. “We were camped out on the outskirts of a village. We had not seen soldiers for several days and thought that we were safe. If we had thought that we had been spotted we would not have camped near any village much less a Jewish one. Late that night, soldiers raided the village. They killed many of the v

Enter Faerie Village

“Bubble can you see to it that the kittens float out about 150 yards and stay there until I call them back?” Tinkletoes asks. “Yes sir.” The kittens' bubble takes off, coming to a complete stop exactly 150 yards away and out of the direct path of floating traffic. “They are not telling the truth about where Dobby is.” Tinkletoes says. “I agree.” Writer Lady says. “Why? What is their motivation? As long as they don't tell us where he is then they are in trouble. Why don't those kittens want to get out of trouble?” “That's easy.” Monitor Man says, without looking up from his note taking. “Dobby's the way cooler older brother with the keys to the family car. If they say anything, no more unsupervised fun. No more adventures.” “Dobby hasn't been very nice.” She points out. “This isn't about brotherly love.” Tinkletoes says. “Monitor Man's right this is about feeling closer to being Dobby's equal. It's about adventures.” “