
Showing posts from December, 2019

A Self-Proclaimed Mercenary And His Cookies

*I created a teeny tiny play this time. FADE IN. INT. --Bonus Room Tinkletoes sits in the bonus room. It is decorated for Christmas. Snow is falling outside. Dramatic reading of Carp Fisher’s “Tinkletoes’ Christmas Mission.” Narration by: Someone Really Cool. Narration begins: Tinkletoes looked at the list. He saw the snow falling outside. Tucking the list into his waist band... ...the self-proclaimed mercenary stood, rising to his full height. A man on a mission. He was present. At the ready... It was a mission like nothing that had come before. This soldier was not in pursuit of the enemy, baked goods, lighted sabers...or other sci-fi toys. (Tinkletoes looks at Narrator) : They’re not toys, they’re collectibles. Would you call a Bergara B-14 a toy? (TP pops in dressed as Raggedy Ann): Rifles are party favors in Faerie. (giggling) (Tinkletoes to

Paths Down A Long Dark Road

 (Personal Essay)  I see my old self in you. The sadness. The constant worry about the future. The unending need to prove to yourself that you can take care of yourself. That you are going to be okay. Let me tell you this now. I am using all caps for emphasis. Not because I’m yelling. YOU ARE GOING TO BE OKAY. You will. It doesn’t feel like it but you will. I have learned a lot over the last decade. Let me share with you what I’ve learned so your journey is easier. You are surrounded by people who love you. That voice inside your head telling you how alone you are is lying . If you can’t see it then every day I want you to find one person that you know loves you and has your back. Each day look for a new person to add to the list. Write the list down and put it in a drawer or a box. Something that is hidden but close at hand. On the bad days take it out and read the list. Out loud. Remember these are the people who are there for you. They are also the ones w

Nightcap In The Library

The screen on Scotch’s cell phone lit up just as Pen was replacing the last book on the shelf. How are things going? Are our friends still watching? Pen read the message. “How long have I been in here?” She muttered. Pen picked up the fake novel and the phone and returned to Scotch’s bedroom. The spy-in-training quickly shoved the book into her purse before she made another appearance at the bedroom window. The black SUV was still parked on the street outside. She noticed that the doors were closed and the windows had been rolled all the way up against the chill of early morning. The vehicle shook here and there which was consistent with three men of their “friends” size attempting to make themselves comfortable within a limited space. It looked like they would be staying for the night. Or what was left of it . Pen moved out of view and sent a quick response of “yes” to Scotch. She returned to the hidden room and looked at it to make sure she had not left any tell tale signs