
Showing posts from January, 2019

Welcome 2019

Here it is. The first Saturday night of the new year and I once again find myself doing something that I don’t usually do. Writing not only about the writing but about the blog. And about my plans for the blog in 2019. You think that I plan this stuff out? TP (giggles): Silly humans. If this is your first visit to my blog let me give you head’s up. In my every day life, I plan things a lot. Like all the time. Even dinner. Okay I plan dinner most of the time. I plan it some of the time. I have been known to plan dinners out in the past. In my writing life, any planning that takes place is all up here. (Points to head). I am a Pantser. I fly by the seat of my pants. I say whatever comes to mind. Filtering happens during the edit. If you’re lucky. My plan was to post the first two installments of the current story beginning next Saturday night. But here I am, sitting in High Command half asleep because,’s Saturday night. I have to say something. I