
Showing posts from October, 2012

The Trouble with Faerie Dust

“Mom? So when does this Faerie dust wear off anyway?” Dobby asks, entering the den. Looking down at the orange tabby, Mom notices that not only is Dobby still glowing but a pulsating has added itself to the glow. “Well that's up to you kitty.” “Huh?” Dobby sits in front of Mom with his tail sweeping back and forth in an agitated manner. “Faerie dust is a unique ingredient when it comes to magic. The power of the dust can be increased with certain emotions, usually negative ones. That goes back to Ancient Faerie when as TP says 'we were waaaay meaner.' With more positive emotions, the magic evens out and becomes a positive energy that can easily be absorbed into the environment. Because your glow has not gotten softer but gained brightness and started pulsating a bit, is that you, kitty, are not accepting that what you did was wrong, but are angry with me for suspecting the possibility and planning ahead. You are probably irritated wit

Secret Agent Cat

Writer Lady walks through the house checking the bathroom, computer and coffee pot.  Thermostat.  Will the temperature be okay for Dobby while she is gone? She picks up her purse, tote and keys.   Makes another walk through the house just in case she missed something. “Okay Dobby, Mom's going to work now.  You be a good boy.” Writer Lady walks past Dobby as he lays in the patch of sun on the living room floor on her way to make yet another round. She is very careful about these things. “I'm leaving now Bubby.  You're in charge!   Take care of the house.”   Dobby pretends to nap in his sunny patch until he hears her lock the door, get in the car, start the engine and leave. He listens for the engine's humming to fade as she drives away. “Finally!  I thought she'd never leave.  I'm the man.   This is my house.  Oh yeah!” Dobby circles the house with his big strong tomcat strut making sure Writer Lady didn't forget anything. Bathroom

Dr. Dobby

“Mom! Mom! MOOOOM! You are supposed to be typing Mom.” “Yes, Dobby. I'm here. What should I be typing?” Dobby runs over to the chair to be petted. Mom pets him, he leaves. Mom muttering: Why don't you write this one? I don't know what to say tonight. Dobby runs back into the den and gets in Mom's face. “What?! What's wrong?” “Nothing.” Mom answers. Dobby runs out of the den for the first aid kit and the big red flashlight. “Oh no this is not good at all.” Dobby rolls the big red flashlight on to its side. “Mom now get up out of the chair and lay down in the floor. Mom come on I really need you to do this.” Mom looks at Dobby with suspicion. Dobby makes that sweet kitty face. “Please...?!” Mom gets up out of the chair and lays down on the den floor. “Okay Mom. Angle your head so the light shines in your mouth. Open your mouth first. Just so you know.” Mom positions herself on the floor next to th

Colds And Other Things

Dobby comes into the den to see what Mom has for lunch. It's in a bowl. There might be milk or cheese in his future. “Hi handsome. How's my kitty?” Mom greets Dobby from her seat at the computer. Dobby casually walks under the table to get a sniff of what's in the bowl. Mom watches Dobby attempt to figure out what's in the bowl. “It's nothing special Dobby. Just some vegetable soup. Mom has a cold.” Dobby looks closely at Mom. “You're sick? That's why you have spent so much time at home? I thought you missed me.” Dobby glares at Mom. “You have been running around kissing strange men again haven't you?” “No I haven't.” “Yes you have.” “No, I haven't” “Are you sure?” Mom looks at the ceiling, holds up both hands and starts moving her fingers like she is trying to count. “Of course I'm sure! Trust me I've learned my lessons. I showed my interest in one and if he even knew I existed, then


“I'm in the den. Come in the den. It's time for the blog.” Mom calls out to Dobby. Dobby comes running into the den. “You are still doing this tonight. Seriously?” “Yes I am. I have been busy all day and I have been unable to write.” Dobby sits in the floor bedside Mom's feet and looks up with a serious expression. “What do you call all the crap you did today anyway?” “Thursday. I call it Thursday.” “I don't like Thursday. You can keep it. I think we need to talk about something Mom.” “What exactly?” “You have been doing too much lately.” “Doing too much?” “Like today.” “It was steadily busy.” “Couldn't you have done...a little bit less?” “Okay. Which thing?” “Well that funny looking stuff you did in front of the TV this morning.” “Yoga?” “Yeah the yogurt stuff.” “Yo-ga.” “Yo-gur.” “No yoga is good exercise. It only took a very limited period of time.” “Why bother?” “It's good for me. I feel bet

It's Night Night Time

“Shhh!” Dobby points above his head. “Mom's sleeping. You'll wake her.” Dylan looks up at Writer Lady in bed. “She's sleeping.” “Duh.” Dobby says. “She needs to stay asleep. What do you want Dylan?” “Furnatche.” “I'm not him.” “I know that.” Dylan answered starting to laugh then covering his mouth to stifle the sound. Dylan pulls the bed skirt up some more so he can crawl under the bed to share a big secret. “Furnatche is not in the basement. Have you seen him?” “No. Get back in the basement. Go to sleep. It's night night time.” Dobby was glad for the company when they first showed up. This was starting to get annoying. Dylan looked at Dobby with an empty stare. Dobby hoped the child was thinking about what he said. “Okay.” The little boy said quietly and crawled out from under the bed. Dobby watched closely and waited until the pitter patter of little feet could be heard by the door leading down to the basement to clo

Let's Bake Some Cookies

Finally, a quiet evening . Dobby snuggles down into his favorite living room chair. He purrs to himself gently as the murmurings of the television lull him to sleep. Mom walks through the living room quickly, disturbing the quiet of the room. I know that walk. She's on a mission. Mom comes back through the room wearing an apron. He opens one eye and glares. Mom senses the movement and looking at the orange tabby says, “It's chilly tonight and I'm kind of bored. I think I'll bake some cookies.” I just got that dragon calmed back down. Now she thinks she's making cookies. Uh uh. No way.     “ Cookies? No Mom. You don't really want cookies do you?” “ Yep. I sure do. I think the smell of fresh cookies will be just the thing to take the chill out of such a cool night.” “ It's going to be a mess. You hate doing dishes.” Dobby reminds her. “ It's not even eight o'clock. It never takes long to clean u

Lazy Cat

“Dobby. You played for like, two seconds.” Mom tosses the toy again. Dobby chases it across the room. Corners the feathered toy, picks it up in his mouth and runs out of the den with it. “Now try and make me chase this stupid thing again.” “Come on, kitty. You need more exercise.” “I believe in low impact exercise.” Dobby says laying down on the floor. Mom gets up and goes into the bathroom. She comes back into the den holding a small mirror and holds it below Dobby's nose. “Oh. Good.” “What?” Dobby asks. “You're still breathing. You must be alive. It's hard to tell. With the lack of movement and all.” “I'm still recovering.” “Recovering?” “It's hard work keeping...” Dobby remembers Furnatche the baby dragon and his human family's presence in the basement is supposed to be a secret from Mom. “Keeping...” Mom encourages him to finish his thought. “Keeping you on task. Seriously Mom a toddler is more focused.

Fade In, Fade Out

“Dobby are you okay? Kitty?” Hearing Mom's voice Dobby slowly opens his eyes. Dobby looks up into Mom's face. “Good. You scared me sweetie. What happened? It was like...a huge object just ran right over you.” “I do feel like I've been hit by a freight train.” “It looks like it too Dobby.” “Thanks. Mom it's always good to know you are there with supportive things to say.” “I'm here for you always but I'm not going to sugarcoat a pile of crap just so you'll better about stepping in it.” Dobby hears sniffing behind him. Turning his head he sees Furnatche's face peering over the back of Mom's chair. The dragon is sniffing the air in the den closely. Dobby decides he must be looking for the pile of crap Mom was referring to. Furnatche sees Dobby glaring at him, stops sniffing and lowers his head. All that is visible are his eyes. The dragon blinks once and fades away. “Dobby! Aren't you listening to me? Wha

A Dragon in the Den

--> "Mom?"  Dobby asks.  "Just a minute sweetie. I'm really making progress on this fan fiction piece. Can you believe it? It has been like pulling teeth getting a word out all day. And now?" Mom types away making the happiest little sounds with the keyboard. "A-mazing! "  Mom smiles really big. "Okay. I can stop here." Dobby makes his way across the den closer to Mom. “I think we need to talk about what has really been going on lately. All the time I spend in the basement.” “You have been really lonely haven't you? I think we should move soon. Maybe we can get another pet for you to play with. I was thinking, a female cat.” Thinking about all of his new friends in the basement, Dobby says, “You know Mom I think it's nice here the way it is.” “Just you and me, huh?” A faint scream comes traveling up through the floor. “Did you hear something?” Mom asks. “No. I didn't hear a thing.” Dobby l

The Visitors In The Basement

--> “Great news. The jumpsuit worked. Mom has forgotten about me spending so much time in the basement.” Dobby enters the basement purring. “I'm getting tired of all this waiting. I say we take a stand now!” Paige stood up and said while looking at everyone one else in the Writer Lady's basement. Everyone at the table tensed noticeably at her pronouncement. Furnatche hid under the table. Dobby was anxiously looking all around trying to figure out where to go if Paige kept it up. Aunt Purdy walked around the table and put an arm around her niece. “Paige. Relax. Dobby explained how Writer Lady works to us last week. She has three stories she is currently working on and they are like her “babies”. It is hard to keep up with all of us. “That's the whole problem if you ask me. She is NOT keeping up with US. Sure she writes the cheezy romance and the story for the the television show but not for us. This is SO boring.” Peter walks around