“There are two unicorns traveling with you?” Carp asks.
“Yes. We call them Leitis and Aingealag. They came to us shortly after we arrived in Faerie. Being unicorns they come and go as needed but the pair have been with us for many years.” The young man says. He scratches Aingealag under the chin and she nickers in contentment.
“Sister?” Carp asks.
“Yes. She and Leitis appeared to us when we first arrived. They have been with us ever since.”
“Have you been here long?” Black Buck asks.
“We have been here for several years.” The young man says, offering his hand. “Romani Novak.”
“Carp Fischer.”
“I hope you don’t mind my inquiry, how did you get here?” Black Buck asks.
“We were camped out on the outskirts of a village. We had not seen soldiers for several days and thought that we were safe. If we had thought that we had been spotted we would not have camped near any village much less a Jewish one. Late that night, soldiers raided the village. They killed many of the villagers during interrogation. They were looking for us when the platoon discovered that it was a Jewish village.”*
“So they took the village over.” Carp says.
“Yes. Thankfully, it was a small Zugtrupp and we outnumbered them.”
“Zugtrupp?” Black Buck asks.
“Zugtrupp, it’s German for platoon.” Carp says.
“We watched, waiting in the woods until they began relieving the homes and shops of their valuables, storing supplies, and became distracted while taking custody of the most opulent home for their headquarters. We snuck in and freed as many of the hostages as we could. We ran into the deepest part of the forest to hide. When we ventured out again we found ourselves here. Tell me Mr. Fischer, what brings you to this place? Are you a sympathizer? Are you fleeing the Germans as well?”
Carp thinks about whether he wants to question that last statement but decides against it. “No. I lost some friends here.”
“Who? I could probably tell you if they’ve passed through the village or the surrounding woods.”
Carp wonders about mentioning Dobby and the kittens for a moment then reminds himself that Romani is standing next to a unicorn.
“Have you seen a tall, muscular man flying around in a giant bubble? He’s wearing...”
Romani holds up a hand in a “quiet” gesture. “Bubbles don’t fly through the villages. They stay on the outskirts along the edge of the woods.”
“There are also two kittens, litter mates. One of them has a pair of spots on his back. They may be traveling with an adult cat...an orange tabby.”
Romani raises his hand again. “A moment,” he says. He quickly makes his way to a fish shop across the road and knocks on the door. An orange tabby answers. Romani exchanges a few words with the cat and returns.
“No. There are no new cats in the village. There are stories about two renegade kittens hunting a stranger wearing a target on his chest on the outer borders of the Meadowlands as well as an orange tabby who is strangely dressed and overly outfitted with weaponry in the rain forests to the east. The orange tabby has a native guide.”
“Is the native guide named TP?” Carp asks.
“Yes. How did you know?” Romani asks.
“The pair find a lot of trouble together. Where is the heaviest flow of bubble traffic?” Carp asks.
“Continue past my people at the north end of the village. When the road ends walk through the fields heading Northeast. You will see flying bubbles soon enough.”
“Thank you Romani. You have been most helpful.” Black Buck says.
“Yes. Thank you.” Carp says.
“You’re welcome. It is nice to see other humans. May you enjoy your stay.”
Carp and Black Buck continue their walk.
“Watch your heads!” Romani calls from behind them. “There are height restrictions but the bubbles move so fast that they don’t always keep to them.”
Carp raises a hand and waves in acknowledgment.
“What shall we do next?” Black Buck asks.
“Head Northeast to the outer borders of the Meadowlands. Either we will see Tinkletoes in a flying bubble, run into the kittens, or find our way into the rain forest. We seem to be headed in the right direction. Sooner or later we have to run into somebody.” Carp stops walking. “Did you hear that?”
“Not again.” Black Buck says.
Carp looks at Black Buck and continues walking.
A white unicorn appears behind the pair following like a devoted companion. A silver unicorn appears following the white one.
“Where is he?” Dobby asks, holding a frog up to the squirrel monkey’s face.
The monkey’s eyes grow wider with every movement of the ginger tabby’s paw.
Rain drips off of palm fronds that are visible through the window.
“Where’s Monitor Man. Tell me. Now.”
The monkey’s lips quiver for a moment and a series of high pitched chirps erupt.
“What?” Dobby asks.
The monkey repeats himself.
“Dobby?” Writer Lady calls as she enters the hut. She sees Dobby, the monkey tied to a chair, and the frog in Dobby’s paw. “Dobby! What’s going on here!”
“I have to find Monitor Man. He must be destroyed.”
“Dobby Cat, you’ll do no such thing. You’ll let the monkey go. Immediately!”
“Your mom’s right.” Tinkletoes says, walking up behind her. “You don’t need the monkey. This war exercise is over. ‘Sides, he answered your question. Let him go.”
Dobby walks to the window and places the frog on a nearby branch. “O...kay.” The ginger tabby returns to the chair, with a few swift claw passes the monkey’s restraints have been cut.
The monkey jumps from the chair, skitters across the hut, and climbs Writer Lady to sit down in the place of greatest safety. On her shoulder. He blows raspberries at Dobby.
Writer Lady looks at the monkey. “Just because you’re safe doesn’t mean that you have to be smug about it.”
The monkey kisses her on the cheek in apology and sets about checking Writer Lady’s hair for bugs and other things as she takes charge.
“Dobby, what is this place? How did you get here? Did TP put you up to this?” Writer Lady asks. Her vision comes and goes as hair appears and disappears from her line of sight. “What’s going on?” She asks, getting a mouthful of her own hair. She removes the hair from her mouth and looks at the monkey. “I understand that you’re grateful but I can’t do my thing as long as you’re doing your thing.”
The monkey drops his hands and grins in apology.
Dobby looks behind Writer Lady and says, “Take him home.” Two full grown panthers emerge from the darkness. The monkey jumps from Writer Lady’s shoulder and lands on one of the panther’s backs.
“I’ll go with them.” Tinkletoes says to Writer Lady. “And make sure that nobody eats anybody.”
Writer Lady nods and waits until hut is empty except for herself and her cat. “Dobby Cat, I think that it’s time for us to have a talk.”
*Romani Novak and his companions have been in Faerie since World War II.