Saturday, December 29, 2012

The End of Mom's World

"Mom," Dobby asks as he enters the den. "What are you doing?"
"It's Saturday, I'm writing the blog."
"You can't."
"Yes. I can."
"No. You can't, Dobby counters.
"Why not?" Mom asks.
"It isn't even 10 a.m. The blog is called Saturday Night Silliness. It's not Saturday night yet.
Mom... No internet," Dobby finishes.
"NO in-ter-net," Dobby says.
"But I can still..."
Dobby shakes his head.
"What about?"
Dobby shakes his head.
"What if...?" Mom asks.
Dobby shakes his head no again.
Mom takes her hands away from the keyboard. Mom looks at Dobby, looks at the monitor, looks at Dobby, looks at the monitor, looks back at Dobby. She starts to say something.
Dobby puts a paw up indicating – Don't even go there.
"There is no internet?" Mom asks.
Dobby shakes his head.
Mom jumps up out of her chair, runs through the house screaming, “OMG... It happened... The Mayans were right the world has come to an end. NO INTERNET!! HELP!! WHAT DO WE DO NOW? HOW WILL THE HUMAN RACE SURVIVE?”
Dobby sits quietly and waits while Mom runs through the house.
After about ten minutes, Mom sits back down in her chair. Her tin hat is askew, she is perspiring under the edge of the hat, and breathing heavily. When her breathing slows, Mom turns her attention back to the monitor, puts her fingers back on the keyboard and starts typing.
"Mom what are you doing?" Dobby asks.
"Writing an Ode to the Internet.
I am going to make sure it knows how it has changed my life.
I am going to make flyers too.
If enough people write Odes to the Internet maybe we can bring it back.”

How about if we just wait until the internet technician shows up to get us.... oops... back on line,” Dobby asks.
"They do that? But we moved. How do they know where we live now?”
"They just know, Mom. It's kind of like Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. And you have me, Mom. I'm A VERY IMPORTANT FELINE WITH A BIG MEAN FRIEND. No one says no to Tinkletoes.”

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