Saturday, July 14, 2018

VIN (a.k.a. "Untitled") PT 4

After a few moments, I feel like I can breathe a little better. I look around. People are still smiling and walking around me. No one is showing concern. I must be hiding things well. I need to get out of the way, find a quiet place. There’s a park close by. Where? I join the rest of the foot traffic and head east. I walk three blocks. I turn to the left and find the open space of the park and notice a narrow trail on the far side of the parking lot. I take it. A pair of kids ride up the trail on their bikes in front of me. I follow quickly hoping to find a secluded spot and end up on the outer fringe of a rose garden. This must be part of the museum grounds. There’s a stand of shade trees and a bench at the garden’s entrance. The bench is empty until I claim it.
As I sit down, the panic that I have been holding back pushes forward. The waitress’ words echo in my mind, “He left. Ten minutes ago.” Oh my god, I was talking to someone who wasn’t there. What do I do now? I let go of the thought as quickly as I can and substitute it. I settle on. It’s never happened before. It’s never happened before. It’ll be okay.
Eventually, I shorten it and ‘it’ll be okay’ is the phrase that I hold on to. I start to go home with a plan to lock myself in the apartment with Don Quixote and concentrate on not having a full blown melt down. I stop myself in the middle of the park. Isn’t there this thing about challenging things that you believe to be true? At the moment, I believe that for some crazy reason I spoke to someone that wasn’t there. How do I challenge that belief? By proving that Not-Necessarily Mean Man is real. I shake my head. There’s no way that he’s real...why? It reads too much like my story notes. Hiding really won’t help. I decide to continue my outing and put my mind to work on the problem. That will give it something else to do besides panic. I turn around and retrace my steps, walking through the rose garden and around to the front of the art museum.
Not-Necessarily Mean Man stops me just outside the door.
“Where did you come from?” I ask
“Where did you go?” He asks.
“The waitress said that you left ten minutes ago. I went to look for you outside and you had disappeared. I’m fighting off a panic attack right now. If you don’t mind.” I say gesturing towards the door.
“Don’t go in. Please.”
I look at him. Normally, I would have ignored him but today...“What do I get?”
“A piece of candy.” He says with a grin.
I glare and reach for the door.
“Oops. Not funny.” He says and reaches out to stop me. “Sorry. I am sorry about everything. Will you please talk to me? I’m Earnest, by the way.” He smiles.
It is a charming smile. Disarming to many I’m sure. I am not one of the many. “ anyone names their kid that anymore.”
“It is my name.” He says. “I can offer you another if you’d like.”
I think for a minute, wondering whether I should believe him. Who goes around offering other names, hookers? Maybe. But on the other hand, who would admit to having a name like Earnest if it wasn’t really their name? Against my better judgment, I let Earnest lead me to a nearby tree with a bench under it, explaining his lack of physical existence to him all the while.
“I am a real person.” He says.
If you’re a real person, explain this.” I order, handing Earnest my notebook.
“If I wasn’t a real person could I be doing this?” He asks as he sits down and flips through the notebook’s pages.
“Probably not, but on the other hand, I do have a vivid imagination.”
Earnest looks at me. “Where is it?” He asks.
“At the front. You have to go back to the front.”
“It just says, ‘Vin’.”
I sigh. Explaining my insanity is becoming frustrating. “The page before that one.”
He turns another page. “This one? With all the writing on it?”
I give him my ‘duh’ look.
“From the top?” He asks.
I nod.
“Okay, from the top.”
He reads without making a sound. “Very interesting. This is almost our exact conversation.” Earnest looks at me. “How do I know that you didn’t write this after our conversation in the diner?”
“Let me think about that, write it after, claim that I wrote it beforehand, and then freak out? Why would anyone do that?”
“Getting carted off to some hospital while half the city watches is not the kind of attention that I would want. Under any circumstances.”
“Nor I.” He says as he looks at my story.
“What are you looking for?” I ask.
“The difference between your story and reality. Something that proves to you that I really do exist. Ah! Here it is. The handsome stranger in your story is described as a Spaniard. I’m not a Spaniard.”
I lean in close and read over his shoulder, “What else?”
Earnest offers no other supporting evidence of my sanity.
“That’s it?” ‘I’m not a Spaniard’ is your entire argument?”
“It’s what I have for you.”
A feeling rolls through my stomach, one of pure fear. My hands begin to shake.
“Whoa. Whoa.” Earnest says when he notices my response. “Wait a second. That’s not everything. There’s something that I want to tell you.” He gestures towards the trail in front of us. “Shall we walk?”

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