Recognizing the upper hand, Tinkletoes stands up. He exits the living room and crosses the hall way with reignited confidence. The self-proclaimed mercenary knocks on High Command’s door.
“Go Away.”
“I know the sound of your knock. Go Away!”
Writer Lady has already began talking before she opens the door. “Banned means you can’t come in, if you don’t believe me I will be happy to show you a dictionary.”
“There are no Nathans.” Tinkletoes says. “That is your argument?”
Writer Lady eyes Tinkletoes suspiciously. “Yes.”
“Would you mind stepping into the living room please.”
Writer Lady heads for the living room making it a point of closing the door to High Command behind her, just in case some Halo playing, baked good eating Neanderthal tries to pull a fast one.
“If you would turn your attention to Exhibit A and tell the jury what you see.” Tinkletoes says.
“A full living room, an empty cupcake container...”
“Anything else?” The self-proclaimed mercenary asks trying to hold back a grin.
“A whole lot of shirts and things that say ‘NATHAN’ on them.” Writer Lady responds slowly.
“A room full of NATHANS.” Tinkletoes says. “What have you got to say about that?”
“Three kids, a baby dragon, a full grown dragon, a faerie, a much loved Auntie, a demon, three cats, and an insomniac.” Her mouth begins to turn up in a smile. “If this group is a threat to your masculinity something might be wrong. You might want to get things checked.” Writer Lady looks around the room. “I’ll be in High Command if anyone needs me.” Writer Lady returns to her writing room shutting the door behind her.
Tinkletoes walks over to the empty cupcake container, picking it up, he turns it over hoping to find a few random leftover crumbs. Finding nothing, he sets the container back on the coffee table. The self-proclaimed mercenary sits down and frowns. He releases a long breath and doesn’t say anything, not a word.
Dobby approaches, the name ‘NATHAN’ in a vibrantly glowing orange covers the ginger tabby’s snow white chest. “You wanna get back to the game?” He asks.
“Nah. I can’t...focus...Halo...while he’s in there.” Tinkletoes says looking in the direction of High Command’s door.
Dobby shakes his head. He reaches out, placing a paw on Tinkletoes’ forearm. “If Mom says she’s only writing a character with that name then she’s only writing a character with that name.”
“If only I could be as sure of that as you are. If only I could see what she was writing...”
Sensing an opportunity for mischief, TP flies over to the pair.
The door to High Command opens and Carp exits. The assassin-in-training enters the living room and approaches Diomedes. The dragon bends down and Carp whispers something in his ear. The dragon says, “Oh my, she is serious.” Diomedes takes his leave and enters High Command.
Carp joins
Tinkletoes and the others. “It feels so good to be out of there.”
He shakes his head. “She’s usually so calm.’s such a relief not being the one her discontent is focused on.” Carp looks at
Tinkletoes. “You had to keep talking about it didn’t you? Nathan, Nathan, Nathan. You just couldn't shut up."
Tinkletoes looks at High Command’s door. “How does she do it? How can a female have so much anger?”
Carp puts a hand to his face, he lays the opposite arm across his body to cradle the elbow of the raised one. “I don’t know, why would that be...maybe, it’s your fault.” The assassin-in-training looks at the self-proclaimed mercenary pointedly.
“It’s okay. TP fix.” The faerie announces.
Carp begins to walk away.
“You’re leaving?” Dobby asks.
“Yes. I have a headache.” Carp says to TP as he gestures to everyone's ‘NATHAN.' “I’ve seen how you fix things. Not a fan.”
TP blows a raspberry as Carp turns and walks away.
Tinkletoes reaches out to TP. “Never mind him. How do I get in there?”
“You don’t.” TP giggles. “Magic does.” The faerie gestures to Dobby to open the door to High Command a little.
The ginger tabby nods and runs over to the door. Crouching so his nose is level with the bottom of the door he sniffs. The feline scratches lightly. The door has not quite latched all the way as is common in older homes. Dobby raises his head and gently pushes on it. The door opens, just a small crack, not enough to make a sound but enough for...”Ouch.” Dobby cries out as a whisker is removed from the cat’s cheek without warning. The whisker is guided into High Command by a tiny ball of light, it flutters close to the wall lowering itself slowly and comes to rest on the back of Writer Lady’s monitor.
“Dobby kitty is that you?” Writer Lady calls. “Are you hurt?”
“No. I’m fine, my tail got stuck for a minute. I’m okay now.”
Writer Lady looks at the door. “Are you sure?”
“Okay. Be careful sweetie.”
“I will.” Dobby says. He creeps away from the door and returns to the living room. He looks at TP. “That hurt.”
“The magic needs a home to keep it safe.”
“A necessary sacrifice for the good of the mission.” Tinkletoes says. He looks at Dobby. “Thanks man.”
“What did my sacrifice get us?”
“A looksy.” TP responds, looking at Dobby. “Let’s go to your room.”
The threesome enter Dobby’s room. Game controllers are sitting out where they had been left earlier. The large screen television is still on but instead of the game that is usually on pause waiting for them to resume play or reset a simple white page is showing with margins at the top along with various word processing icons. Words are being typed as they enter the room. As the group locates drinks, snacks, and makes themselves comfortable they watch Writer Lady work, in real time.
“We’re spying?” Dobby asks.
“That is the mission.” Tinkletoes says not taking his eyes off the screen.
Dobby crosses the room and tries to unplug the television. The feline can’t, no thumbs. He turns around, wrapping his tail around the cord,Dobby slowly inches the end of the plug from the wall. Satisfied he has protected his mother’s privacy he struts back to the couch only to find Tinkletoes still reading.
“You’re still reading?”
“Yep. The program is magic, magic doesn’t need the assistance of something as inferior as electricity.” Tinkletoes seems fairly relaxed as he reads.
Dobby watches as the letters N-a-t-h begin to appear.
The self-proclaimed mercenary stops chewing, his body begins to tense.