The room grows dim as the light fixtures glow with a deep gray light.
“Attack on Castle Gris to commence in 10 minutes 59 seconds,” echoes throughout the room as a countdown begins.
“There's no time left to find the little monster.” Tinkletoes says.
“We should probably get going.” Dobby Cat agrees.
“Orders M’lady?” Diomedes asks again.
“Spots! Smudge!” Writer Lady calls. The litter mates appear at her side in a matter of seconds in their usual Stephen King-ish horror story way.
“Yes?” Smudge asks.
“Mommy/Food Lady.” Spots says.
“Come on.” Writer Lady orders. Turning her attention to Diomedes as she returns to the back wall she begins, “What I need the three of you to do is to guard this wall. If anything from Faerie tries to enter the house send them back. Nothing is to enter unless I'm with them.” All three nod. “What's your job?” She asks.
“To not let anything in.” Smudge says.
“No matter what.” Spots replies.
Diomedes nods.
The phrase, When there is war there is sure to be those seeking shelter from it, pops into her head. Crap. “If anyone approaches who says I sent them only trust them if you see…”
“...her magic on them.” T.P. says as he apparates next to her.
Writer Lady looks at the faerie and says, “You’re forgetting, no one can see my magic.”
“T.P. fix.” The faerie says. Reaching out he places a hand on Writer Lady’s upper arm. Her faerie tattoo becomes visible, the “WL” in stylized script glows with faerie dust.
“There.” He says.
Writer Lady looks at his work. “What does amping up the energy on a magical tattoo do to help this situation?” She asks.
“As long as your tattoo can be seen all who look upon it will see the power of a queen.”
“How about if she just looks like a badass warrior that I don't have to come save all the time?” Tinkletoes asks as he tosses a large gear bag onto the floor next to Writer Lady's feet.
“What about the rest of us?” Aunt Purdy asks.
Writer Lady turns her attention to Aunt Purdy. “Would you and T.P. please lead a search for Lady Gray’s messenger? When you find him or her tell them we know what's happening in The Graylands and that we're on our way?”
Writer Lady looks at T.P. “I need you to return to Faerie with the messenger once you find them.”
“Carp, Daemon, Dobby Cat, Tinkletoes and I are headed for Castle Gris.” Writer Lady looks at Aunt Purdy and Ray. “Keep yourselves and the kids safe. I may have to send Lady Gray here before this is over. She’s never been to our world. She’ll need help acclimating to it.” Writer Lady looks at T.P., “If the enemy doesn’t capture Lady Gray The Graylands can’t be conquered right?”
T.P. nods. “No leader in your hands means no taking over their lands. It’s the rule.”
The self-proclaimed mercenary looks up at Writer Lady. “How did you know that?” He asks.
“Because that's the way Writer Lady would have written the rules if she was in charge.” Carp says.
Writer Lady's eyes search the room, “Is everyone clear on what they need to do?” There are nods all around. Writer Lady accepts the pack Tinkletoes is holding out to her as she reaches out for the glowing knob on the bright gray door that has appeared before her.
“Aren't you forgetting something?” Carp asks.
Writer Lady looks at the line of soldiers behind her. Tinkletoes, Dobby Cat, Daemon...she looks at Carp who’s bringing up the rear, “No.”
“We are facing ninja-zombies and we’re missing a key player.” He sings. Carp holds up a picture of Monitor Man. It's a photo from his most recent movie. The actor is smoldering in front of a camera as a city is going up in flames behind him. The picture is framed. Carp is holding it next to his cheek like a prized possession.
Writer Lady looks from Carp to Tinkletoes.
“Let's go.” The self-proclaimed mercenary says.
“Smoldering expressions aren't going to save The Graylands.” Writer Lady points out.
“They won't.” Carp agrees. “Monitor Man fought beside you when you were alone.”
“A fight I wouldn't have been in if he hadn't been so full of himself to begin with.”
“He did rise to the occasion when it really counted.” Carp replies.
“6 minutes 15 seconds.”
“There's no time.” Writer Lady says as she grasps the knob and turns. It's the last thing she remembers before her world turns to gray.
Very interesting. What next?
Hi writer lady.. its been a while. Your making me feel bad. I have not written anything in months...
I liked the count down. It gave the story a sense of urgency. Plus with her running out of time and stepping through the door made we want to see what she was getting into. Nice breaking spot I cannot wait for the next post. That was a great build up and how it left the reader hanging was a nice way to ensure they would keep reading.
BTW.... I am not a BOT .. LOL
Thank you. Probably something funny.
No need to feel bad everyone has things that keep them from writing from time to time. I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I am still developing the ability to leave the reader wanting more. I'm glad it worked Not A BOT.
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