Thursday, October 18, 2012


“I'm in the den. Come in the den. It's time for the blog.” Mom calls out to Dobby.
Dobby comes running into the den. “You are still doing this tonight. Seriously?”
“Yes I am. I have been busy all day and I have been unable to write.”
Dobby sits in the floor bedside Mom's feet and looks up with a serious expression. “What do you call all the crap you did today anyway?”
“Thursday. I call it Thursday.”
“I don't like Thursday. You can keep it. I think we need to talk about something Mom.”
“What exactly?”
“You have been doing too much lately.”
“Doing too much?”
“Like today.”
“It was steadily busy.”
“Couldn't you have done...a little bit less?”
“Okay. Which thing?”
“Well that funny looking stuff you did in front of the TV this morning.”
“Yeah the yogurt stuff.”
“No yoga is good exercise. It only took a very limited period of time.”
“Why bother?”
“It's good for me. I feel better when I at least wave at good health by spending a little time moving around. The stretches help me feel more energetic.”
“Playing in the water, thing.”
“Dobby that was a shower. So I don't stink.”
“If you go outside without any clothes on many...bad things happen.”
“Wash the dishes.”
“Yet another healthy thing to do.”
“All the crap on the computer.”
“This morning I was working on a special project.”
“You didn't start another story did you? Because if any more dragons show up I'm out of here.”
“No not a story. But it's a surprise. I promise to tell you later.”
“As long as no more dragons will be dropping in.”
“Sometimes I just don't know what you are talking about kitty.”
Dobby blushes in embarrassment, turns away and covers his mouth with his paw. “Never mind” Dobby says. “How about this whole”work” thing. Why don't you stop doing that?”
“Going to work?”
“If I don't go to work we have no income, place to live, car, electricity or phone service.”
“No more HGTV?”
“You're right. You have to keep working.”
“Thanks for the news flash kitty.”
“I'm a talented observer, what can I say?”
“What about the way you came home, fed me and left again?”
“I went to see my nephew, Jimmy, it was his birthday today. “
“Do you have to do that?”
Mom thinks about this, she and Dobby have had a long conversation. Mom's eyes shift from side to side and a devious grin spreads across her face. “Sweetie. You are right. I don't have to keep doing that. I promise not to take Jimmy another birthday present for at least a year. Feel better?”
“Yes.  Now about my litter box...”

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