Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Quest For Dobby's Destiny Part X A.K.A. The X Factor

Quickly spotting the Lady with the Long Golden Hair, Writer Lady approaches the group.
A pewter toned bird is regally perched on the Lady with the Long Golden Hair's shoulder. It is Griff, a griffin that serves as the Lady's guide and another protector.
When did it get here?
Writer Lady wondered if the bird had been quietly stowed in the Lady with the Long Golden Hair's bag the entire time. Her sister did leave her purse open a lot while on the plane. Hearing Writer Lady approach, Griff turned his head towards her and lets out a loud “squawk” which in turn brought every one's attention to her.
Hello sister.” The Lady with the Long Golden Hair greets her with a bright smile. Writer Lady can tell from the Lady with the Long Golden Hair's tone and smile her mission is going well. Introductions are made. She quietly listens as they continue their discussion. Writer Lady can tell from the Master of Ink's knowledge of almost everything why the Lady with the Long Golden Hair is on a mission to speak to this man. He is one of her peers, the knowledge the Lady with the Long Golden Hair takes in would be very useful for accomplishing their other goal.
Writer Lady takes a moment to get a better look at her surroundings. The table sitting in front of the Master of Inks is covered with prints of beautifully detailed drawings of dragons, clocks, books, tea sets and other intricately drawn items. There are copies of the Master of Inks' books. Ink is used for all kinds of things. Writing as well as drawings. There also bookmarks along with other promotional items.
Then she sees them!

On the far back corner of the table sits a box of Nutty Bars. Peanut butter wafer cookies dipped in chocolate. It's been a really tough day, the coffee has worn off making her tired, lunch was thirty minutes ago. No one is talking to her right now. Who is going to miss one Nutty Bar? Seriously.

“No...” TP bellows.
“No what?” Writer Lady asks with her mind.
“No touchy touchy.”
“No cookie for you.” TP says. “You say you are afraid of men but first you complement one man's saber and now you want to eat another man's Nutty Bar. Harlot.”
“It's a cookie. A snack. They're all over the place.”
“The Nutty Bar is the Master of Ink's signature snack. You don't touch a man's signature snack uninvited. You never accept an invitation to eat a signature snack from a married man.”
“So what are you saying? Are you telling me accepting a man's signature snack is the Geek version of 'You want a piece of candy?' That's sick. Completely sick.”
“You are a guest in this world, Writer Lady. It is impolite to judge.” TP reminds her. “Your actions are not exactly pure of intention to them.”
“I already look like an oversexed slut. Yeah. I get it.” Writer Lady says.
I already have a bad reputation. Is it really a big deal to sacrifice more of my reputation in the name of hunger? He might be flattered.

He might be flattered if you had bothered to shave your legs.” The Warrior with the Intense Blue Eyes admonishes Writer Lady telepathically.
Nice trick nephew. Relax, I'll just stand like I've shaved my legs.”
You know with the fabric of my jeans touching my legs. You would never do that when your legs are like...ow!” Writer Lady takes in a sharp breath.
You were saying?” Warrior with Intense Blue Eyes teases.
It's really not going to make a difference. It's one Nutty Bar.” Writer Lady justifies.
Griff!” The Warrior with Intense Blue Eyes calls to the bird with his mind.   The Griffin rises from his perch on the Lady with the Long Golden Hair's shoulder, flying over the Master of Ink's head close and fast like a fighter plane buzzing the tower. Griff hit the Nutty Bar box from the back side knocking it into the floor.
I'll get it.” Writer Lady offers, eagerly picking up the box, which proves to be...empty.
Thanks.” Says the Master of Inks, taking the empty cookie box and throwing it away in a nearby can.
Griff having already returned to the Lady with the Long Golden Hair's shoulder is being scolded for his outrageous behavior.
Are you sure you're alright, sir?” the Lady asks.
Yes of course.”
I'm so sorry. Griff never behaves this way.” The Lady with the Long Golden Hair says.
Quite alright. It was nice meeting you all. I have to be on my way now. I have a lunch meeting with the Queen of the Amazing Fro and the other members of the Colorful Court.”
Writer Lady watches the Master of Inks as he takes his leave. “How come he gets food and I don't?”
Because my sister you are on a Quest.
You can't eat until your work is done be-yotch!” The Warrior with the Intense Blue Eyes teases. “Sam and Frodo didn't eat and neither will you.”
'Cuse me. They had Lambdas bread. Hel-lo! Where's my bread?” Writer Lady asks.
No Carbs!” TP bellows shaking the ground below.
You're kidding me right?” Writer Lady says. “What happens now.”

What did the Lord and the Lady of the Drawn Story say?” The Lady with the Long Golden Hair asks.
They said I have to go to this ball tonight. It's held by the Queen of the Amazing 'Fro. I'll meet the queen and request a meeting with the Gem of the Con who will also be there. Dobby's fate will be decided then.”
Let's get going. There's so much to do.” The Lady with the Long Golden Hair says.
Is the weed whacker in the suitcase, or your carry on bag?” The Warrior with the Intense Blue Eyes teases.
Why me. Why?” Writer Lady groans.


C. S. Jennings said...

LOL. S--t. Very Funny and very inventive. I love it.

HR Apostos said...

Thank you. :D

Ancient Writings and Keyholes

  “ What language am I looking at that of the elves or that of Faerie?” Writer Lady asks. “ That is the precise question wh...