Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mom Frustrations

Okay Dobby! What else is on the list for potential songs to play when the Opportunity
sensor gets tripped.
Dobby: Just leave it where it's at.
That song is too sexual. I don't want the Faeries to think I'm some kind of a slut.
Dobby: Mom. They are Faeries, as in magical creatures, who cares?
Nice women don't talk about sex.
Dobby: Mom. (puts paw on Mom's arm) You talk about sex all the time since Dad died. That ship has sailed.
Really? (Mom sits down) I'm a slut?
Dobby: You are just verbally um ...loose. Yeah. That's it. Loose. Mom...are you okay?
Um...yes Dobby I'm fine. Just adjusting my view of myself a little bit. I'm still normal?
Dobby: You're talking to a cat Mom. How normal do you expect to be?
I guess you're right. I just have to learn to accept being so verbally loose. I'm not a tease then?
Dobby: You are so shy you hardly look at men. To be a tease you would have to touch them. (Anticipating another question) The same answer goes for flirting. If you have trouble looking at men clearly you don't talk to them much.
So I'm still good.
Dobby: You are still good.
Dobby: Everything is good.
(Awkward Silence...)

Dobby: Why aren't you writing now?
I can't think of anything. I'm too busy not thinking about sex.
Dobby: Even if you are thinking about not thinking about something, you're still thinking about it.
So basically, I'm trying too hard.
Dobby: Duh! (crosses eyes)

I have a question about the magic door.
Dobby: What?
What kind of opportunity should I look for?
Dobby: What?
What kind of opportunity will the magic bring?
Dobby: The magic doesn't control what type of opportunity comes along Mom. It just lets you know it's there. Understand?
Dobby: Good.
So, is this helping exactly?
Dobby: (Takes out human adoption contract—picks up pen with tail and writes in the Disclaimer – “Those odd days when nothing your human says makes any sense.”) Dobby thinks hard to count up the lives he's used and realizes he's only on the first one. This is gonna take a while...

1 comment:

C. S. Jennings said...

Good Job. Love the bit about being too busy not thinking about sex.

Ancient Writings and Keyholes

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